What’s the purpose of the City in a post Covid-19 world? #MCMSkunkworks Mission 2: Series 1


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What's the purpose of the City in a post covid-19 world? Series 1: Work

MCM today announce the launch of the next mission from our Innovation Lab and Thinktank, 


What’s the purpose of the City in a post Covid-19 world? 

As a result of the changing pattern of use and commuting that is here to stay with hybrid working, the millions of commuters to our cities will be significantly less and the impact on cities great.  

The city is now a destination, not a routine. 

Impacting work, living, infrastructure, culture & hospitality, and the environment.

We believe the future for cities is bright and that there are positive changes that will take place in cities around the world.

Our next mission has predicted great things and offers bold ideas and calls to action in a series of five essays authored by five of our #MCMSkunkworks team members. Look out for our weekly posts of the five series.  

This new mission follows on from the #MCMSkunkworks -Mission 1 which took on the challenge of defining, What’s the purpose of the Office in a post Covid-19 world? 

 If you would like to see the resulting manifesto and predictions published in June of 2020 – “A New World of Work” click here.

Our first of the five-part series is related to Work. Ken Giannini offers his positive ideas to landlords, developers, and funds of commercial offices that are facing great challenges to make their buildings and portfolios relevant in the new world of hybrid working.  

A time to reset. 

Landlords ask yourself, who is your real customer? 

To download the #MCMSkunkworks Mission 2:  click here.

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